Aimee Poppins
Monday, June 28, 2010
meeting new friends
Oh I totally forgot to put something in the last post! So about an hour ago we noticed a car was parked outside of our dorm and we were kind of curious who it was and why they were sitting there so we went out to ask if they were lost. It was a really nice girl who is 19 and she said she was just having a bad day and that she was just driving around and parked there for a minute so I invited her to come in and have cookies with us! She was really fun and I think she loved hanging out in the nanny dorm haha. She grew up in Chagrin Falls but goes to college somewhere else. Anyways her name is Lindsay and I was really glad that I met a local close to my age so she can show us some fun things to do around here. When I invited her to stop by anytime she seemed pretty excited!
Chagrin Falls thus far...
Hey ya'll! This is my first blog so I don't really know how to do this very well but hopefully I will keep up with it. I don't really know where I should start because so much has been happening in the past few days.
I arrived in Ohio on Saturday afternoon with my mom and I got all moved into the dorm. I met 4 out of the 5 girls that I'm living with and the 5th arrived on Sunday. They are all really great and I know that I will become really good friends with them.
Melissa is in the room next to mine and her and I are a lot alike. She is from NY but moved around a lot because her dad is in the military...she actually graduated HS in El Paso!
Hannah is across the hall from me and she is from New Jersey! I was expecting a "guido" or a Snooki look-a-like but she is so cute and sweet! She kind of has a Jersey accent but it's not really strong like I had expected. The next room mate is Ashlee. Her and Hannah are bff from college so they obviously already know each other. She is blonde and spunky and we get along very well. Michaell is 30 and she came from Tampa, FL. She didn't find out about the school until last week so this was a last minute plan for her! She is funny and unique and she will be lots of fun! Elizabeth is the 5th room mate that I have (or I should say house mate because i dont share a room). She didn't arrive until yesterday afternoon and I was napping so I didn't get to know her much but today we have done some bonding. She is from Elyria, OH which is maybe an hour away!
On Saturday after I got settled in I went into town with all of the girls to get to know one another and do some exploring. We ate dinner, got ice-cream from the Popcorn Shop, and sat by the falls. Hannah had a date and she was meeting her date right down the road from the falls so all of us girls decided to go and spy on her which was pretty funny! A couple of the other girls have dates this week so they better be prepared to be spied on! :]
Sunday morning I wokeup early and took Mom to the was sad I sure will miss her! But she didn't cry like I thought she would so it was okay. Sunday was such a sleepy day because we had done a lot of moving but I went to Dave's Cosmic Subs with the girls and then we ate at the park. I was pretty lazy and just relaxed most of evening.
This morning was the first day of school! It was an orientation so we didn't really do a whole lot except go over the student catalog and guidelines and things. They were so sweet they had bagels and juice for breakfast and an amazing deli tray for lunch! We also got to meet with the placement director to discuss what we wanted in a family, what our strengths and weaknesses are, where we do and don't want to go, etc.
OH and by the way, the school did end up placing a girl with Michael Douglass and Catherine Zeta Jones, and also a model named Stephanie Seymour just hired a nanny from the last session. When I came to visit in April I had met a couple from PA who flew in on their personal jet to interview students and I just found out that he owns 8,000 Starbucks in the world! The nanny they just hired has already traveled on their yacht to The Bahamas and then was flown directly to Colorado for a week!
Anyways, now I am home from school and ready to take a nap! I will keep everyone updated with pictures soon so keep checking for updates! :]
I love you and miss you all! (Notice I didn't say YALL this time! everyone here comments on that...)
God Bless,
Aimee Poppins
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